
Stuff about me,and other thingies

H,A,Double L,O,Double E,W,N. That. Spells. HALLOWEEN!


Hi guys! Sorry for the delay! But as you all know October is apoun us,and Halloween is approaching! My question of the day (Night really. It’s 7:53 PM,I hear the crickets chirping) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis,*drum roll* What you (if you are at all) dressing up as for Halloween?! I’m being a killer clown this year. It took me an extremely long time to figure out what I wanted to be. At first I had no clue what-so-ever. Then I thought about being Mew Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew like I did oh so many moons ago.

Ichigo's Page

Then when it was decided that costume was a bad choice because of my body type and the collar type of the dress then I was sad and clueless. Then an idea struck me. Do any of you know of the show Orphan Black? Well,there’s a character named Helena,and my real name is Helena,so I decided to be Helena.


But after some time I wasn’t as excited about the costume as I was at the start. So I was left clueless for a lengthy period.

Then My friend’s mother told us of a Halloween store at the Mall. So we went there and I saw a costume for a Killer Clown,and instantly fell in love with it. We didn’t buy it of coarse,to expensive,but we’re making one like it. I’ve been practicing my makeup for the costume and I’m wearing it right now. I wish I could show you pictures of the store costume and my makeup but I don’t have pics of those. Well tah,tah for now!

Author: randompony03

I LOVE to draw,I'm a totall anime dork.My favorite animes are Kalido Star,Pokemon,Humaniod Monster Bem,and that's it.I make alot of OC's.I like MyLittlePony and I'm not ashamed of it.My username was inspired by my pony OC Random Screech.I LIKE CATBUG!!!

4 thoughts on “H,A,Double L,O,Double E,W,N. That. Spells. HALLOWEEN!

  1. I went as The Marionette from FNaF for Halloween this year, everyone kept calling me “Puppet Master.” I’ve seriously never heard that name before until then. XD They also kept mistaking me for a guy. 😛 Completely annoying…


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